All in One. One for All. Vote May 6, 2023!

I’m Scott Yarbrough and I’m running for Godley City Council. I believe we can really only be all-in when we’re thinking as one community.

All in One.

I’m one man who pledges to represent all of us, together. That means maintaining my independence from personalities, cliques, and Good ‘Ole Boy politics.

One for All.

I moved here in 1978. Godley’s changed quite a bit since then. I graduated Godley High School with 13 other seniors in 1985. 21 years ago I opened Godley’s first and still only consumer computer repair shop and business IT service center. I’m in for the long haul.

I’ve got a passion for both the old and the new. I’m crazy about old town Godley and I love new people moving into our community. So if you’re one of the old guard and you’re concerned about all these new folks moving into Godley changing things up, hey, I get you. Come on in. Let’s talk about how we’re going to meld Godley’s beloved old time traditions into a new paradigm of Tradition. One built by all of us, together.

And if you’re one of the new folks looking to put your own spirit into your new community, you too come on in, take your shoes off and sit a while. Let’s talk about how we’re going to build our community going forward. Together, for all of us.

I live here, I work here, I worship here and I play here. I buy everything I can here. I support my local businesses. You should too.

We need to recreate Godley City Hall in our image, that is, in We the People’s image. Thus, I’ll work toward creating responsible, transparent, open and efficient city government, nothing less. I want a forensic audit of all city expenditures for the last several years to determine where we can decrease waste, increase cost-effectiveness and thus maximize the use of your tax dollars.

I’ll also propose we immediately begin implementing an already agreed upon contract for a comprehensive municipal master plan to manage city growth for the next 5, 10, and 15 years. Currently the process is being held up in wholly avoidable government administrative red tape and delay.

I want a full review and revamp of all city processes and procedures to modernize them, prioritizing service to We the People, both residential and commercial. I want our first responders on our Police and Fire departments to have the resources and equipment they need to operate efficiently, effectively and safely.

I don’t do personalities. I don’t do cliques. I don’t do Good ‘Ole Boy. What I do is We the People. All of us. Together.

Care to chat about the issues? Questions on anything else? Give me a call, email me, or come on by the shop! Hours are 10am to 6pm Monday through Friday.

I look forward to hearing about your goals for Godley and how I can help to accomplish those goals. Thank you for your support on May 6, 2023!